Electric pizza oven - professional electric pizza oven
Valoriani has created MAXIMO, the new generation electric oven designed for cooking pizza, in collaboration with the R&D technician Pizza Napoletana Eduardo Ore.
Stemming from the development of the traditional Valoriani dome shape, an elegant aesthetic customizable shape is born that integrates easily into any style of furniture.
The dimensions and refractory materials of the dome derive from a targeted study of the phases of loading and cooking the pizza, allowing easy use of the entire surface of the cooking chamber. The upper heating elements covered in opalescent quartz, together with the lower elements, admirably reproduces the flame of a traditional wood fired oven.
MAXIMO is also equipped with the RHS® Evolution air recycle system. The Valoriani patented technology creates a flow of steam which makes cooking homogeneous, enhancing the fragrance and development of the dough during baking.
The use of the best insulating materials in great thicknesses guarantee perfect thermal insulation and considerable energy savings.
The Valoriani refractory floor is made up of six modules for easy replacement and is available in variants designed specifically for the various types of cooking, from classic to Neapolitan pizza.
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